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Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

About SE Pendant

SE Pendant is made in Korea by using the latest nano technology, with natural minerals which are structurally completely bound.

SE Pendant emits FIR, scalar energy and negative ions, and contains 99,999% Germanium. Certified by reputable agencies, including the Korean Association Far Infrared - (KFIA / Kipha), Ajou University Korea and the SGS

1. Energy Therapy:
* Increased blood circulation
* Increase metabolism & detoxification
* To help stay slim and slender
* Increasing the efficiency of nutrients and oxygen to flow into the cell body
* Increased stamina, strength & endurance
* Relieves pain, injuries & pains, and improve flexibility
* Calm the mind and improve concentration / focus
* Strengthening the blood cells & reduces the "stickiness"
* Strengthening the body's bio-energy to protect from harmful electromagnetic waves
* Restore balance and harmony in the body

2. SE pendant can be used to produce energy yg water, which can be used to clean the face to face look brighter.

3. SE Pendant can be placed under the bottle kulituntuk treatment increases the absorption and performance

4. SE Pendant can be placed in your refrigerator for fresh food longer

Accessories transform the energy of water in your body becomes healthy water, energy, and forming groups of small molecules.
Energy accessory molecules not only form a small water and energizes your drinking water. When you wear, accessories energy will keep your body water remains a small group who are ready to penetrate the cells of the body, while also improving circulation and strengthen your body

Strengthening the Body & Young to Extend the spirit of Better Health and Energy More Powerful

70% of the human body is water, the water quality in your body is very important! Water is gathered and energized hydration to the body to ensure an appropriate cell and you'll feel better, younger, and full of spirit.

Since the "dehydration" associated with diseases ranging from acne, the memory of a chaotic, indigestion, arthritis, and obesity, even with serious conditions such as heart problems, hypertension, etc., a good cell rehydration, can improve your health

When we are young, trillions of cells filled with a group of small water molecules and the hexagonal shape. Group of small water molecules easily pass cell membranes, carrying nutrients & oxygen throughout the cell, and remove existing toxins. Flow out and the easy entry of water in body cells that maintain the cell is clean, youthful and healthy.

However, with age and after several years of drinking water "dead", coupled with the stress and pollution, the water molecules of our body change and grow, blocking the movement of water molecules through the membrane in cells. This causes the cells to lose oxygen and nutrients, toxins accumulate in the cell. Cell will become toxins and "dehydration" (if the cell is surrounded by a large collection of water molecules "dead"). Metabolism will be damaged and far less energy.

Several tests to prove the existence of an invisible energy from the energy accessories

* Lemon sour less!

Slices of a lemon. Place the slices on a thin plate with energy accessory below. Place the other slice on a plate without the pendulum at least 3 ft away from the first plate.

Let the lemon slices it for 20-30 minutes. After that, feel and compare the use of lemon with accessories that are not energy. Lemon fed energy accessory was not so sour. This proves that without direct contact with the lemon, the energy of the pendulum capable of changing the molecules in the lemon.

* The ice melted faster!

Put one ice cube on energy accessory, and one other ice cubes on a plate. Note that there is ice on energy accessory will seek more quickly than in the plate is in my bag. This shows that energy can activate the accessory molecules in the ice so the ice looking for more quickly. Even when the temperature remains cool accessories. We challenge you to repeat this test with other energy accessories.

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